Sunday 31 July 2011

The world is our classroom.

This week we met our new and very lovely friends, Shelly, her daughter Rhia and baby Zac at Milton Park.The weather was perfect and we spent the most amazing 5 hours walking, talking and playing. We were entertained by a family of rather vocal and protective swans and their hungry signets. The children picked fruit, apples and plums and blackberries. They collected treasures they found on our walk, shiny stones, coloured pebbles, nibbled leaves and birds' feathers! Somehow, we managed to get ourselves lost, but that was part of the adventure as far as the girls were concerned! We would most likely still be wandering around the orchards if it hadn't been for the help of a kindly man walking a pair of gorgeous Highland Terriers.

But most of all.... we talked and talked and talked! And that's when we do our best learning.

The world is our Classroom!

The treasures the children collected!

Tuesday 26 July 2011

Catch up!

We have found some really lovely friends on our HE networking "expedition" this last couple of weeks. So as far as socialising is concerned, well, we have it covered!
Also we have signed up to Gymnastics, French, Art and maybe Drama next September. There are so many HE groups and organised events in between that is is almost impossible to choose!
Last week we visited Fitzewilliam Museum in Cambridge, Milton Park Family Day and Woodgreen Animal Sanctuary (twice!) We have visited our friends' houses and they have come to us for lunch and the children play so happily together. Us adults seem to be getting on very well to!

We have Katie's name down for a swimming class, we have just bought her a new bike and Dave and Katie will be joining the Tennis Club in Hemingford I guess that's PE covered!

Milton Park

I am thinking of turning a little more structured on the HE front so I have bought some lovely workbooks from Amazon from  Galorepark Now they may turn out to be a waste of money as I can see that Katie learns so musc more when she isn't being taught. Still, the books are colorful and engaging and I am hoping she picks them up of her own accord. If she shows no interest, than we have lost nothing, just a few pounds from Dave's bank balance! Let's wait and see how we get on.

Saturday 16 July 2011

We are home at last!

Ok, it's taken an age to find a house we can call home. We have lived on a golf-course for over two months, travelled East Anglia far and wide, but finally we are home. "Home" is Cambridgeshire...for the next year at least. The house is perfect (I won't want to leave!) The village is idyllic, and the HE community is positively over-flowing! There is so much happening we literally can't fit it all in! But I am not complaining, oh no. It was so isolating and lonely being the only HE-er in Paphos. I was afraid to admit it while we were there, but looking back, I don't know how we did it!

Already we have made lovely friends and our diary is full with gym classes, french, drama, and HE meets, to name but a few of all the things on offer to an HE family here in Cambridgeshire.
 So, gone are the lazy, hazy days of Cyprus. Now I need to get myself organised, get the diary in order, make sure we don't double book (that's happened already!!) and, this is the hardest part, get ourselves out of bed earlier than we have in the last 3 years in Cyprus!lol

Expect to see this blog bursting into life. Just hope I find time to post between all our "socialising"!!