Thursday 26 December 2013

Katie is 10! & Christmas 2013

Katie is 10!
How did that happen?
I have been telling her for a long time now (purely from a selfish point of view)  that I will keep her forever "my little girl" and that means she can never go into double figures! She must stay forever 9!
But now she is 10! And I couldn't be more proud of her.
Of course, it's silly to imagine I could keep her forever my baby, but I have so enjoyed every single minute being her mum. She was a "surprise" baby ; such a surprise_ I couldn't imagine how we were ever going to cope. She arrived during the saddest part of my life. Mum had just died, after a very short illness, and I was so, so low. I couldn't see a way forward. A new baby was the last thing on my mind but my mum had other ideas.

My mum knew about Katie. She knew, even before I did. She talked to me about a "baby" just before she died.
They never met, mum and Katie, and yet it's like they know each other.

I am grateful every day for the wonderful mum I had, and for the little girl who was sent to mend a broken heart.

Happy Birthday Katie. Can't believe you are 10 already!!

Once again we made the trip to our motherland, otherwise known as "Newcastle" to visit our respective families this Christmas.
In one weekend we managed to fit in two shopping trips to the Metrocentre, two visits to my dad's house, a visit to my sister's house, with a cuddle from her gorgeous new baby "Lil Dottie" and a visit to Dave's boys' home, where, once again I managed to drink too much wine! Thankfully, Dave's ex managed to get herself more drunk than me so I don't feel so guilty! Well, it is Christmas!

We love the Christmas decorations in the Metrocentre

Katie and her big brother at Nando's
Jaime, Tony and cheeky Charlie arrived a few days before Christmas. Our house was so busy and noisy and messy...but filled with LOVE

Charlie loves playing the piano!
 Charlie helped his Nanny with the housework. have to get the place tidy for Santa coming! Charlie is definitely on Sants's "good list".

Jaime left Christmas Eve to spend the holidays with her dad in Newcastle.

Normality and order were resumed in our home, but it is so so quiet! How can one little cheeky 2 year old make his presence known so acutely?

Christmas Day was just the three of us and everything was perfect.

I still wonder what I have done to deserve such a lovely life and a beautiful family.
Truly Blessed.x