Tuesday 2 August 2011

Arctic expeditions and amazing dinosaurs!

The weather today has been glorious. I could almost believe we were back in Cyprus!

We took a trip into Cambridge, using the Park and Ride and spent the whole afternoon wandering around the Scott Polar Research Institute and then the Sedgwick Museum of Earth Sciences. Totally fascinating! Who knew there were so many things I never knew, I never knew?

Scott Polar Research Institute

Katie had a great time dressing up for an Arctic expedition!

Phwoar! It's hot in here!!

Katie designed some traditional North Canadian clothes and we got to touch all the different types of furs and animal skins used for clothing by the arctic people. The wolf coat was her favourite. No surprises there!

A child's suit made from seal-skin.

Heading towards the Sedgwick we found a lovely cafe that served delicious food at very reasonable prices and a perfect cup of coffee! Dave ordered his all-time favourite, All Day Breakfast! Then we headed towards Sedgwick, tummies full and thirst quenched!

         The dinosaur at Sedgwick was HUGE and Scary!


The museum was filled with relics and fossils and every type of rock you could imagine (perfect as we have been reading about the types of rocks in our new science book.)

There was a kids' reading area with lots of lovely books. Of course, Katie headed straight for it and settled herself down in a comfy chair. She found a Dinosaur book and poured over it for ages while Dave and I wandered around looking at the exhibits. I particularly liked the precious stones. Dropped a few hints to Dave about diamonds, but that fell on deaf ears!We were all so engrossed we didn't realize the museum was shutting until one of the attendants came to find us. Last out, as usual!

Popped into John Lewis on the way back to the Bus Stop. Well, I couldn't go into Cambridge and not shop! We bought Play-Doh for Katie!

We arrived home tired but happy. Who thought educational trips could be so fun? Of course, if you ask Katie what was the best part of her day, she'd reply "The bus ride!"

Oh, and in spite of being exhausted when we got home at almost 7pm, the lids were off the Play- Doh, out came the rolling pin and cookie-cutters and Katie created some lovely exhibits of her own!

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