Wednesday 18 September 2013

"Not Back to School Day!"

This post is a little late, because our "Not Back to School Day" was a couple of weeks ago. However, we had such a lovely day, I thought it was worth a mention!

Katie and I took a trip to Jaime's new house in Shotley Gate, near Ipswich. We had a lovely day with Jaime and Cheeky Charlie! Charlie is growing up so quickly! He is Super-Cute and Cuddly Gorgeous!!
The weather was beautiful so we all headed to the harbour and had a scrummy meal in a pub overlooking the bay.

Charlie insisted on holding Katie's hand (and only Jaime's hand!) on the walk back home. He walked such a long way, and only retreated to his pushchair when he physically couldn't walk any further!
What a lovely way to spend our Not back to School Day!

Sunday 15 September 2013

Puppy Love

Katie and I took a trip to Bedford to visit our friends; we do this every 2 weeks or so, as we haven't been able to find any friends closer to home yet. This was an extra special trip as we got to see Carys' 4 week old Morkie puppies! Katie was so excited about finally getting to see and cuddle the puppies.
Just too cute!

The Birthday season has begun in the Shovlin House. We celebrated Dave's birthday with a delicious meal in our local pub, followed by a scrummy chocolate Birthday Cake!

Whose next?....Ah, I think it could me me!

Wednesday 4 September 2013

Summer's End

Actually, it really isn't "summer's end" at all, not if today's weather is anything to go by. 
So, I haven't blogged all summer, and I have no excuses! Of course, we have been busy as always : lots of ups and downs (mainly "ups" I'm pleased to report)
The biggest news is that we are finally settled into our new house in Bourne and are finding our way round nicely. Sadly, there is nothing happening around us HE-wise so we are keeping in touch with our Bedford pals. We have been meeting up at Marston Vale, and although it's an hours drive it is worth it. Katie loves playing with her friends and I enjoy catching up with the other HE mums.

The schools go back this week, so we are looking forward to that..everywhere is less crowded, and more quiet. Bliss!

We have found a lovely new piano teacher and Katie is progressing well. In fact she is sitting her first exam next month! She is nervous about "performing! but excited too! Then, we have Brownies here in Bourne, starting up soon. So, we are still getting plenty of socialising, because as we all know...socialising is very important for a home-ed kid!

Grimsthorpe Castle

Katie & Maisie...growing up too fast!