Wednesday 18 September 2013

"Not Back to School Day!"

This post is a little late, because our "Not Back to School Day" was a couple of weeks ago. However, we had such a lovely day, I thought it was worth a mention!

Katie and I took a trip to Jaime's new house in Shotley Gate, near Ipswich. We had a lovely day with Jaime and Cheeky Charlie! Charlie is growing up so quickly! He is Super-Cute and Cuddly Gorgeous!!
The weather was beautiful so we all headed to the harbour and had a scrummy meal in a pub overlooking the bay.

Charlie insisted on holding Katie's hand (and only Jaime's hand!) on the walk back home. He walked such a long way, and only retreated to his pushchair when he physically couldn't walk any further!
What a lovely way to spend our Not back to School Day!

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