Tuesday 25 February 2014

A lovely Collection!

Today we went to THE COLLECTION in Lincoln with our lovely friends Michelle & Lucy.

It's a fab art gallery/ archaeology museum right in the middle of historic Lincoln. The parking is rubbish but we hitch a lift with Michelle.

Stained glass windows

It's great for the girls as they are safe to wander freely and there are lots of areas geared specifically for children. They  designed their own mosaics and stained glass windows, dressed up as Romans and had a go at scribing with a feather quil and ink (messy!)
It's great for us mums too as there's a lovely café serving delicious coffee and snacks.
Scribing,,it got a bit messy!!!

The girls were happy to pose for pics!

Amazing Lamda

Yesterday Katie had her very first LAMDA exam and she was amazing! It was musical theatre and she performed two lovely songs. When will my Life Begin from the movie Tangled and one of my favourite songs, Part of that World from The Little Mermaid.

We didn't get to see her perform as we had to wait outside. I would have loved to see her performance, after all we have spent months singing and perfecting her act, but her only audience was the examiner and a lady who sorted out the backing music. So, you might be wondering how I know she was amazing? I know, because she told us! How wonderful is that?

She was so nervous on the way to the exam. Fortunately the exams were running ahead of schedule, so Katie was straight in as soon as we arrived at the Theatre School in Grantham. She didn't even have time to sit down!

She skipped out of the exam 15 minutes later, buzzing with excitement and so happy that she'd performed her songs the very best that she could.

We have to wait six weeks before we find out her official grade, but it doesn't matter; she's already a winner!

I am so proud of her. She is one gutsy little girl!

If there was a grade for baking jam tarts I think Katie would be grade 8 already. The chief taster is Katie's dad, and he is in total agreement...grade 8!

Sunday 9 February 2014

Rain and Rockets!

The last few weeks has seen rain, rain and even more rain.

I am not complaining too much though. Some poor folk around the country have lost their homes and their farms to flooding. The worst the storms have inflicted on us, is limiting our outings and reducing the garden to a squelchy, clarty mush. Roll on the spring!
Nevertheless we have been making the drive to Bedford to see our HE friends. We have also headed north to Lincoln and joined in with the HE group there.

Best Friends
Dave is still working hard, and coming home for weekends. This weekend he has been working with Katie on producing spread sheets of all the hundreds of Pokémon Species.. Pokémon are her latest interest, as well as Minecraft and Lego.

Last weekend we drove to Leicestershire to visit the Space Centre. It was great, and so much to see! We got ourselves a year pass, and it will be good to re-visit during term-time when the kids are at school.
Get ready for Blast-off!!!