Sunday 29 June 2014

Wildcats and All About Dogs

Katie performed in her first live concert on Saturday. Wildcats Live were at the Cresset Theatre in Peterborough. The show was fabulous! All the kids were amazing and sang and danced their hearts out. Katie was exhausted when we met her at the stage door, but she was buzzing with excitement!
I asked her if she fancied a career on the stage. She replied,
"Oh no, it's far too much hard work!"


We've had a day out planned at the All About Dogs Show for a while now. We had such an enjoyable time at our last visit to the AAD show at Newark in April that we booked tickets straight away for Lincoln Showground.
The show was today, so of course, we woke up to rain.. However we still managed to enjoy ourselves whilst dodging between the downpours into the tents selling all sorts of paraphernalia for dogs. Katie seemed to enjoy herself _ well, she is always going to have a good time around dogs as she just loves them!
As always there were lots of different breeds but of particular interest were the husky "sled- dogs"; very noisy with their almost  human vocals but so beautiful to look at.
However, Katie and I both agreed, our personal "Best in Show" was a gorgeous cuddly German Shepherd puppy! So cute.
It's just a pity that our own dog had to stay home. Socialising is not her strong point. It's a shame because I'm sure she would take first prize in the prettiest bitch competition!

Don't be fooled by that cute face!

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