Monday 1 September 2014

Summer Catch-up.

So, I haven't blogged in a while.

What else have we been up to over the last few months, apart from adding to our family (cute baby Joey) and avoiding public places while school is out and everywhere is so busy!

Sleepovers with Tilly.

Katie has loved having her best friend come to stay. The girls get on so well and it's great for me as I know the girls will entertain each other. As long as they are fed and watered regularly, I never hear a peep out of them!

Feeding the Birds

Ladies Who Lunch
Pillow fight!

Jordan's Mill, Bedford
We had a very interesting and informative tour of the historic water-mill in Bedford with a group of Home-ed friends. We started with a tour of the beautiful gardens and the children had to identify the different crops and fruits and vegetables.
Then we got to see how the mill works and learned it's History. Next,  the children tried different ways of grinding the wheat into was quite hard work!
Katie's favourite part was kneading some dough and shaping it in to a bun which was baked in the oven while we went on a bug-hunt. The finished bread smelled delicious and it was and hastily eaten in the back of my car by Katie and her friend Tilly while still warm. I tried not to stress too much about the crumby mess!

Afterwards we went for a picnic in the nearby Millenium Meadow. The weather was glorious and it was a lovely day spent with friends.

Tour of the Mill Gardens

Inside the Mill




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