Saturday 12 March 2011

Let the preparations begin!

Pineapple and Strawberry Upside-down Pud.

It's less than 4 weeks until we move back to the Uk and we still havent found a house!
We have been packing and sorting and selling. Katie has made 50 Euro from her unwanted toys and games and books. I use the term unwanted loosely, because if she'd had her way everything would be coming back to England with us, but there simply isn't the room.
In spite of being so busy we have still had time for lots of lovely baking, cupcakes, cheese scones and pineapple pudding.

We have even found a buyer for our car. Katie and daddy gave it a swift clean before it's viewing...

We have tidied the gardens, pruned and weeded and dissected a flower to see just exactly what was inside.
We managed to name all the parts and label them in our science book.
Katie thought she'd take a photo. This was taken after we'd just squashed a gang of tiny black beetles that had emerged from the middle of the bloom to scatter accross my kitchen table!

Petal, Sepal and Carpal and Stamens

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