Monday 21 February 2011


We have been busy making plans for our Big Move back to the UK. Less than 6 weeks!!
Katie is excited about returning to England. She thinks it's a big adventure and I guess it really is!
We have decided to take only personal belongings, clothes etc back with us and sell the furniture we have here in Cyprus. It is cheaper to sell here and buy new in England rather than ship home. So, we has been sorting through Katie's toys and books, deciding what she will take with her and what we can sell or leave to the charity shops.  She would like to have a "yard sale" like in ToyStory but in reality we will hire a table at one of the local markets in Paphos. Any money she makes she can spend on new toys later. Of course, if Katie had her way, she would be taking every single toy and book and game and jig-saw with her . Unfortunately, we would need a full shipping crate just for her things alone!

So, we sorted through the mountain of toys  and "classified"  the items and negotiated a while over what could stay and what should go (this took a good while!!) and then we washed the soft toys so they would be clean and fresh for the sale.

Here they are drying off indoors. Katie is checking them out, wondering if there night be room in her case_ for just one more??

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