Friday 16 November 2012


Today I can't walk! Perhaps that's a slight exaggeration ; my legs, ankles and knees ache so bad this morning and I am walking around like a very old woman!
Yesterday, Katie and I spent the day in London with friends.... the whole day, from dawn 'til dark. We must have walked for miles and miles!

We took the train from Flitwick into London, which was an adventure in itself, as Katie is not used to using public transport and she sees it as real treat! Even the bus, and of course, The Tube, was a source of great enjoyment during the day!

We visited the National History Museum first. We had been there once before with the Cambridge HE group but we were eager to go back, as it was impossible to see everything in just one visit. We didn't get to see everything on this second visit either ; the children wanted to linger at the exhibits soaking everything up like the little sponges they are. Meanwhile, it seemed the many other visitors over-took us, squeezing past, on their tour of the museum. That's something I've noticed... everybody seems to be in such a rush, even at the museum where there is so much to linger over.

The museum was very busy and I noticed lots of groups of school children pouring over the exhibits but then being hurriedly moved on by their teachers to the next exhibit. Some kids weren't ready to move on and had to be called several times before reluctantly joining their class.

That's the beauty of HE... we didn't have or need a time-table, we didn't even know the time! We just wandered wherever the kids led us and made slow but thoroughly enjoyable progress. No rushing here. We almost forgot to stop for lunch, we were enjoying the museum so much! So, we had a late (and delicious) lunch in a quaint French patisserie, when the hunger-pains finally got the better of us!

After lunch we made our way to Kensington, where the girls played in the park, chasing squirrels across the grass which was littered with autumn leaves. I was glad we'd wrapped up warm! The park, like the rest of the city centre, was thronging with people, joggers and dog-walkers. The latter delighted Katie, what with her being such a dog-lover! As always, she recognised all the different breeds and she was delighted to pet lots of friendly dogs. She even threw a ball or two for a beautiful black lab named Freya. Freya had boundless energy.... she would have played with Katie all day had she been allowed!

Exploring Hyde Park

It grew colder and as the sun set, we jumped on a big red bus and made our way to Trafalgar Square, the fountains, monuments, the majestic lions, shopping and the Christmas Lights!

There were people everywhere! The lights were absolutely beautiful and in the theme of the "Twelve Days of Christmas" which was especially lovely, as this is the song Katie has been rehearsing for her Christmas Concert at Moulsoe!

What with the sparkling lights and festive music, the crowds of people wrapped up warm for winter, and the shops filled with the sights and sounds of the season, for the first time this year I felt "Christmassy" (and it's only November yet!)

Trafalgar Square


We took the girls to Hamley's toy shop and spent an age looking and touching and "oohing and aahhing!" I even made a start on my Christmas shopping!
Katie had money to spend too, and she treated herself  to a model family of wolves (no surprises there then!)

Later, around 7ish, we went to Nando's for dinner and filled our empty stomachs again.

The day just flew over, and by the time we'd caught the Tube back to St Pancras, jumped on the train and then driven from the station to home, it was nigh on 11pm!
We had been out and about for almost 14 hours!! Ah, that's why my legs don't feel like mine this morning!!

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