Sunday 2 December 2012

Christmas is coming!

It's that time of year again : frosty mornings, robins in the garden and twinkling lights in the shops...

Now I have been known to say "Shovlins Love Christmas" and we do; however it is so incredibly busy in the shops already and I am starting to feel the pressure to find those perfect presents!
Milton Keynes Centre is pouring with people, the car-parks are over-flowing and my poor feet are aching! Katie and I have spent hours and walked miles whilst searching for Christmas Presents. Just when you find what you want it's not available in the right size, or the right colour, or the right price!I have been feeling so stressed and tired and frustrated. This is not what Christmas is about! So, I have vowed to shop online from now on (from the comfort of my sofa) Let's see how that goes!

The tree(s) are up and decorated and the ginger-bread cookies have been baked and are hanging from the branches of our "home-made" tree.
Last year our cheeky little dog Maisie helped herself to a couple of ginger-bread men hanging from the lower branches of the tree. We won't be making that mistake again! Must remember to hang sweet smelling delicious cookies from the upper branches.......Sorry Maisie!

Ginger Bread Cookie Tree
We still need to make our ginger-bread house. I have all the ingredients, including LOTS of pink candy. Katie and I were planning to get baking this weekend. However, a stinking cold (me) has put paid to that..... Just waiting for poor Katie to catch the cold now!

We were busy as usual last week. We had music and rehearsals for the Christmas Concert at Moulsoe, piano lessons in Bucks, Sublime Science Sessions where Katie mad slime and sherbet and other exploding stuff!! We visited "Hazard Alley" in MK which was really great!

Katie made sherbet...FIZZY sherbet!!

Katie attended her first Brownie meet in Great Denham and so far she is enthusiastic! She has promised to help more around the house, including cooking and walking Maisie, as part of her "helping hand" Brownie Promise.
Cute Brownie!
Piano lessons are going well. Katie seems to have a talent and she loves her teacher, Bethan. She loves practicing on her keyboard at home. Unfortuately, Dave like practicing too!

We are heading up to Newcastle just before Christmas. Dave is looking forward to seeing his boys and I am looking forward to seeing family I haven't seen in a long time. Let's hope this rotten cold is long gone by then!

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