Saturday 9 March 2013

Getting in touch with

Now, as anybody who knows me will tell you, I am not an outdoorsy time of girl. So, it was somewhat of a surprise that I booked Katie and myself on a "den building, fire-making and investigating animal homes" event at Priory Park in Bedford.

I had seen it come up on the list a while back but had never quite got around to booking it. No surprises there! The thought of spending hours outside in the freezing cold, raking about in the mud and getting in touch with nature, really did not appeal. And anyway, I don't have suitable footwear!The last time I donned a pair or wellies, I was in primary school wearing bottle green knickers and my hair was in plaits!
Then, I found that our best friends were booked up, and I knew deep down Katie would enjoy herself doing the "outdoorsy" stuff. I was feeling just a tad guilty and sometimes I just need to step out of my comfort-zone so that Katie can experience lots of different activities (not just the ones that appeal to me!)
So, I bit the bullet and with just a little trepidation, I put our names down.
I am so glad we did!

I surprised myself, and that doesn't happen very often ; it really was a fun day and who knew my Den-Building was so good! Ray Mears eat your heart out!  There was quite a turn out of families and we split into smaller groups to each make our own den. Us mums took the task very seriously and we worked diligently and meticulously to build the "best" den. We scoured the ground for the best branches and twigs and willow, while slyly eyeing up the competition. Of course the kids helped out, collecting the branches and twigs and willow, but it was us mums who took the task very seriously.
Long after the kids had lost interest in making our den "the best" (by now they were digging in the soil for treasures and collecting foliage for food ), us mums continued furiously tying the willow and weaving the twigs. Well, you don't want the den to let in rain, do you?

Note to self; must buy wellies and lose the false nails before our next outdoorsy expedition!

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