Thursday 31 October 2013


Katie and I headed off to Marston Vale in Bedford for their Halloween Disco. Actually, we had chauffeur as Dave has a break from work for the next two weeks (his first beak in 18 months!)
We went to the Marston Halloween Disco last year when we lived in Bedford and Katie had such a lovely time, we thought it was well worth the hour's car ride to go again.

This time Katie's friends came along too and they all had a great time. It was good to catch up with my friends too ; I do wish we all lived closer so we could get together more often.

All together, Katie had a very busy day! In the morning she had her first Piano Prep Test in Spilsby. In spite of her nerves, she did amazingly well. She is now inspired to carry on and practice hard for her Level One. When she gets to Level One, we have promised her a proper piano... Best start saving now then!


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