Friday 22 November 2013

The Mayor's Chair

Katie in the Mayor's Chair

I have purposefully not blogged about this, but my little family has become quite political where home education is concerned. Back in June we became "known" to Bedford LA and since then it has become a roller coaster of a journey trying to "educate" them regarding there duties towards HE families and exactly what they can and can't do! Unfortunately, Bedford are more interested in what they can't do, and go and do it anyway!

Recently Bedford announced they were reviewing their HE policy. Great we last they must have read the Law on HE and the Guidelines issued to them by Central Government and we rather naively thought they we amending their (dire) policy for the better.... nothing could be further from the truth!

There was a consultation meeting in Bedford yesterday to discuss the new draft policy and of course we wouldn't have missed it for the world. And, what an education for Katie : 9 years old and attending her first council meeting.

The meeting was surprisingly civilised considering emotions were running high. The EHE officer, who has far too much to say in her letters to us (visits, evidence, reports etc) was noticeably quiet. Of course she already knew how people felt about the appalling policy as most folk had already submitted a written response. She'd even called in a mediator to keep the peace as she feared it would all kick off! Ha Ha!  Fortunately the lovely families who turned out for the meeting were intelligent, eloquent and civilised. And the children were all amazing.... and so patient with what must have been a boring meeting.

On the upside, Katie had a turn in the Mayor's chair which she informs me is most comfortable. After the meeting Katie and her friend Lara were treated to a visit to the Mayor's Chamber.

All in all it was a positive meeting. I think our many concerns were taken on board and hopefully the draft policy will be put in the bin and re-written from scratch!
There are to be further work-shops in the future with Bedford to discuss the new policy. Hopefully, with the insightful input of HE families the new policy will be truthful, honest and open. Maybe then HE families will be more willing to engage with Bedford LA.
Now our new LA here in Lincs....arrggghhh! that's a different post!

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