Sunday 13 February 2011

Strawberry Snowflakes and not so wild wolves!

More baking. Daddy's favourite cakes. Katie has named them Strawberry Snowflakes!

Not so wild Wolves!

Katie has  a keen interest in animals, especially the wild canine kind! She also loves Animation Movies, so this latest film "Alpha and Omega" has grabbed her attention.

The film is about two wolves who fall in love against the social rules of their pack. Humphrey is the Omega, fun-loving and fancy-free. Kate is the Alpha daughter of the pack's leader, hard working  and raised to be loyal and true to her pack. There's also a golf-playing-goose and his duck-caddy, amongst a host of other colourful characters!
 The film is due for release on DVD next week. Katie has pre-ordered it, for delivery to Cyprus, from Amazon and is she is so excited!  She's counting down the days until it arrives. Katie is getting quite adept at ordering from the internet, but bless her, she always insists on paying from her own pocket money.(This is where her mental calculations manifest themselves!) However her pocket money has increased healthily  these last few weeks mainly due to a succession of visits from the "Tooth Fairy" and Katie whizzing through her Carol Vorderman MathsFactor (completion of each level incurs a 20 Euro reward!) So....I guess she can afford it!

She has been eagerly looking at trailers of the film and researching real wolves on the internet and in her wildlife books at home. She has been so enthusiastic that we have decided to make a Lap-Book around the film and it's characters.

Katie has been working away virtually all day! It's amazing how much she can accomplish  when she is self-motivated and having fun.
Lap Books are a great! Previous lap books we have made include Sponge-Bob Square Pants and The Ginger-Bread Baby by Jan Brett, one of our favourite authors. It was amazing how much we covered and learned from doing our Lap-Books and it was so much fun!

Will post pictures tomorow of Katie's efforts so far.

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