Monday 14 February 2011

Valentine's at Latchi Bay.

Today we headed off to Latchi Beach in Polis. The weather was warm and bright although a little overcast.
The harbour was very quiet apart from a handful of fisherman tending to their nets and boats. The beach was deserted, such a contrast to the summer months when the tourists and holiday makers crowd the streets and harbour cafes.

Katie was in seventh heaven playing on the sand with Dave. They searched for "special" pebbles, skimmed stones into the sea and made a Stone-Henge village out of pebbles on the beach.
Herbie wasn't allowed on the beach so we watched from the side-lines. He was none too happy! What he would have given to be let of the leash and chase the skimming stones into the water.

The coastline at Latchi  Bay is beautiful, despite the rather neglected buildings and restaurants skimming the beach.
As I sat watching Katie and Dave playing in the sand I looked out accross the perfect turqoise sea and I wondered, not for the first time, what we are thinking of_ going back to England. Will we miss all this? Probably. But I am hoping we will find new pleasures and new places where we can enjoy just being together. Just like today.

Katie and Dave discussing pebble skimming tactics!

Stone-Henge Village

And a Valentine's Heart from Dave to me!

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