Thursday 13 September 2012

Kat's Big Brother

Last weekend Stephen, Dave's youngest son and Katie's lovely big brother, joined us for the weekend. He'd come all the way from Newcastle to Bedford.
Katie hadn't seen her brother in a while and she was genuinely thrilled to be spending time with him again. Stephen is well into his twenties, but still a big kid at heart which suits Katie just fine!

The weekend flew by too quickly, but they managed to watch some favourite films, play on the x-box, go swimming and on Sunday we all had a lovely meal at Frankie & Benny's restaurant in Milton Keynes.

Dave left for work early Monday morning and we drove Stephen to the train station shortly after. Katie was unusually quiet in the car driving back home, staring silently out of the window; she was missing her brother. It's times like these when I wish we lived nearer to family.

We've managed to do some school work the last couple of days, despite Katie coming down with a cold. We have finally finished our year 4 Maths Books and have started year 5. We also finished Galore Park Science. Katie really enjoys  science and she's looking forward to the science sessions starting soon with our HE group. Galore Park English has not proved so popular but I am not too concerned. Katie is reading constantly, she is writing much more, and she is keeping her blog updated regularly. Actually, she updates more regularly than me!

Katie has really taken to the recorder. I bought her a music book along with the recorder which she has been studying. Her lessons begin Monday but already she has taught herself a couple of songs and she is even reading the music! She'll be doing a half hour Recorders and a half hour singing every Monday, leading up to a Christmas Concert in December. Now this will be interesting as Katie doesn't do singing...not in our presence anyway! I can imagine Dave and I having to "hide" at the back of the audience at the Christmas Concert!!

We have been birthday pressie shopping in MK. Dave has a special birthday coming up, the kind of birthday that requires a special pressie , not just the customary box of Maltesers!The truth is, Dave would be more than happy with just a box of chocolates, but Katie and I have found him a special gift ; a gift he can keep forever. I can't say what it is right now just in case he takes a peep at this blog and spoils the surprise!

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