Sunday 23 March 2014

Lincoln University Science Week

This week was the National Science and Engineering Week and The University of Lincoln had loads of interesting stuff going on for kids and adults alike.
On Wednesday we went along and met up with a few HE families there.

Katie was thrilled that there was a class about dog training! She enjoyed the class so much, she sat through it twice! Of course she got to train the dog herself and feed it treats. She was in heaven.

She also had a go at extracting DNA from frui  but she declined the invite to ride the bicycle to generate electricity; her friends had a go though!
Extracting DNA from strawberries
Ruby pedalling hard to light the bulb!

There was a CSI display with finger printing and a "crime scene" to investigate.
Crime Scene!

Katie and her fingerprint!
We got chatting to one of the uni lecturers; he had a fascinating collection of skulls, mainly mammals including wolves foxes and different breeds of dogs... Katie's favourite subject! He told us how he had spent time in Italy studying wolves and foxes and it all sounded so magical. Katie asked him how you got a job like that, and he told her he had studied for a degree in Zoology at the Uni.
Later, on the way home Katie announced she loved the university, and she thought she might go there when she's older. Well, that was unexpected! Watch this space....

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