Friday 23 May 2014


Just had to post this pic of my handsome little grandson Charlie
How cute is he?

Meet Lincoln!

I am a little late with the introductions, because Lincoln, the latest addition to our family arrived a couple of weeks ago. He's settled in nicely, after a rocky start; he was just a little aggressive for a day or two (who knew hamsters could growl!!)
He is much calmer now, and such a funny character. Katie loves him and has taken full responsibility for his care. Apart from the noise (racket) he makes at night while he re-arranges his cage, he is no bother!

So here he is.

Lincoln, named after the city!

And hiding in his house...
He's a little shy!

Kitchen Science (again!)

Katie and I have been keeping up with our kitchen chemistry course. it's getting a little more complicated now, but the experiments are fun!

Making Indicators for Acids and Alkalines

Katie was meant to have moved up to the Girl Guides this term, but it doesn't seem to be happening!
So, she is continuing with Brownies in Bourne despite it being boring (her words). She very rarely does anything at the meetings except chat to the other Brownies and play Bingo...I guess we could call that "socialising" which is VERY important to a home schooled kid (ha ha). Anyway, Katie skipped out of the Brownie Hut last week clutching this, and she was soooo proud, so I thought it deserved a place on my Blog.

It's a Russian Doll in case you were wondering!

Friday 9 May 2014

Belton House in the Rain!

Thought we better make use of our National Trust passes today.
The weather was pants...windy and cloudy with intermittent showers and sunny spells..a bit of everything really. It really was tempting to stay in the warm and have a snuggly PJ day but Katie and I forced ourselves to get dressed and out the door.

So we donned raincoats and boots and headed off to Belton House for the regular HE meet.
Despite being soaked through a couple of times we had a lovely day. There was lots and lots of walking (mainly because we got lost a couple of times and ended up walking in circles!) and even more chatting. I really love talking with other HE parents ;we support each other, allay each others doubts and fears, share our triumphs and generally put the world to rights. I think talking to others who HE re-affirms for me the reasons why we do it, and just how bloody amazing it is!  Feeling so lucky right now, especially when I hear from other parents how their kids have suffered in school,often for years before the family chooses to Home-ed.

The kids entertained themselves indoors (there's a fab indoor play area and cafĂ©)  and out, and as always, played together beautifully without too many fall-outs.

Thursday 8 May 2014

Kitchen Chemistry and Wild Wolves!

We all headed off to Newark last weekend for the "All About Dogs Show". Now it always, always rains when we visit these types of outdoor shows, but for once, it was dry and even sunny!
There were all kinds of breeds of dogs.They showed off in the ring, splashed in the pool, and leapt around in the agility set up. It would have been lovely to have taken Maisie along, but she still gets so stressed around other dogs, it really isn't worth it.
Of course there was a funfair too and Katie was delighted to see her favourite "Water Balls"

We made another visit to the Anglian Wolf Society in Bedford. The AWS is a well kept secret;it is not widely advertised and the venue is not sign-posted and is hidden away from the main road.
There are only 3 wolves (there were 4, but one of the males has recently died at the grand age of thirteen!) The wolves are special in that they are socialised, meaning they are not afraid of people.
The staff are so friendly, knowledgeable and passionate and they are very willing to teach us all about the wolves.
We had a great time getting close to the wolves. Katie has always been attracted and fascinated by wolves from being very young, so the visit was extra special. The highlight for me was when the wolves unexpectedly howled for us! A group of children and staff went to the other end of the enclosure and all "howled" in unison. At first it seemed like the wolves weren't that interested in the human howling, but then the  two Omegas started to howl. Suddenly the Alpha female joined in and it was so beautiful, really moving. Her howl was so soulful....I feel so privileged to be a part of that.
After the wolf visit we headed in to Milton Keynes for dinner

Other news, Katie's new piano arrived and it sounds beautiful...She's practicing hard for her Grade 2 Piano and she will be starting Piano Theory lessons soon.

We (Katie and I) have been doing an online Kitchen Chemistry course run by East Anglia University. The course lasts 6 weeks and you get a certificate at the end. Its been fun, especially reading the comments from other participants. However, we were informed that the experiments could be done using general kitchen supplies found in most folk's cupboards. We do not have iodine, milk of magnesia, or effervescent vitamin C tablets??
Here is Katie doing a couple of experiments.
Changing States

Vinegar & BiCarb

Making an Emulsion