Friday 9 May 2014

Belton House in the Rain!

Thought we better make use of our National Trust passes today.
The weather was pants...windy and cloudy with intermittent showers and sunny spells..a bit of everything really. It really was tempting to stay in the warm and have a snuggly PJ day but Katie and I forced ourselves to get dressed and out the door.

So we donned raincoats and boots and headed off to Belton House for the regular HE meet.
Despite being soaked through a couple of times we had a lovely day. There was lots and lots of walking (mainly because we got lost a couple of times and ended up walking in circles!) and even more chatting. I really love talking with other HE parents ;we support each other, allay each others doubts and fears, share our triumphs and generally put the world to rights. I think talking to others who HE re-affirms for me the reasons why we do it, and just how bloody amazing it is!  Feeling so lucky right now, especially when I hear from other parents how their kids have suffered in school,often for years before the family chooses to Home-ed.

The kids entertained themselves indoors (there's a fab indoor play area and cafĂ©)  and out, and as always, played together beautifully without too many fall-outs.

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