Friday 23 May 2014

Kitchen Science (again!)

Katie and I have been keeping up with our kitchen chemistry course. it's getting a little more complicated now, but the experiments are fun!

Making Indicators for Acids and Alkalines

Katie was meant to have moved up to the Girl Guides this term, but it doesn't seem to be happening!
So, she is continuing with Brownies in Bourne despite it being boring (her words). She very rarely does anything at the meetings except chat to the other Brownies and play Bingo...I guess we could call that "socialising" which is VERY important to a home schooled kid (ha ha). Anyway, Katie skipped out of the Brownie Hut last week clutching this, and she was soooo proud, so I thought it deserved a place on my Blog.

It's a Russian Doll in case you were wondering!

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